Monday, July 21, 2014

Games are something that almost everyone is concerned about these days due to the fact that they have progressed a lot over the past few years. With the increasing popularity of games, players around the world have increased over a large scale and the number can only be seen to be rising significantly. One of the most trendy and popular games these days include Realm of the Mad God since a lot of players are highly interested in shooting games....

Monday, June 30, 2014

I'm back today to finish what I started yesterday.  I believe we have reading in America covered.  I was especially happy to see all the fiction readers.  That's a big help to me.  I've been under tremendous guilt for years for not reading fiction.  Now I can let that go.  You've got it covered.  I don't know why I've never read fiction, that's just the way it's been all my life.  From time to time I get an urge to reform my ways and leap into fiction with a big splash, only to soon find...

Sunday, June 29, 2014

This morning I was reminded how different we are in what we read.  My sister-in law called to tell me how much she was enjoying a book I'd sent her on the subject of mental health.  She went on and on about how that subject fascinates her.  Not me.  You won't find me near those kinds of books. Art is a subject many people enjoy.  They read about it and visit galleries and museums.  I can't say that's a subject of great interest to me.  When visiting such places I seem to enjoy the modern art most, and...

Saturday, June 28, 2014

¿Quién no ha tenido al típico amigo que se cree que sabe hacer truquitos con un Zippo? Pues éste es el amigo de todos. No sólo se le da tremendamente mal hacer los trucos de machito yonkarra cierrabares, sino que es capaz de hacerse la depilación instantánea. Creo que la pregunta es ¿por qué se graba? ...

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Nunca la moda callejera fue tan estúpida. La verdad es que no puedo contenerme la risa viendo como van vestidos, parecen hobbits payasos "Hola niños... ¿cómo están ustedes...?" ¿Ha ustedes les da miedo, les imponen respeto? Se supone que debería ser eso... ...

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

¡Cuántas alegrías nos hemos llevado al conocer la noticia! ¡Ya está bien de robar impunemente a los usuarios con la connivencia del gobierno! Justo un par de días después de ser reelegido Teddy Bautista como presidente de la Sociedad General de Autores. ¡A la cárcel con todos ellos por lucrarse a costa de todos! ...

Ojito con lo que miráis primero. ...